Clovis East High School Wolfpack Drama presents...
“Guys and Dolls” is considered by many to be the perfect musical comedy! Set in mythical New York City in the 1950s, it’s an oddball romantic comedy following a group of gamblers and those who try to save their souls. Gambler, Nathan Detroit, tries to find the cash to set up the biggest craps game in town while the authorities breathe down his neck; meanwhile, his girlfriend and nightclub performer, Adelaide, laments that they've been engaged for fourteen years. Nathan turns to fellow gambler, Sky Masterson, for the dough, and Sky ends up falling for a missionary, Sarah Brown, as a result. “Guys and Dolls” takes us from the heart of Times Square to the cafes of Havana, Cuba, and even into the sewers of New York City, but eventually everyone ends up right where they belong.
This production is rated PG.
Online charges will appear on your statement as “RVT*Clovis Unified School”
This production is rated PG.
Online charges will appear on your statement as “RVT*Clovis Unified School”
Thursday September 26 2024 - Saturday October 5 2024 (UTC-07)
Mercedes Edwards Theater
902 5th St, Clovis Ca 93612
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