Terms and Conditions  −  Skyline - 2022 PROM

Guests must be in High School(9,10,11,12) and under 20 years of age.
All students and guests must bring a current school year picture ID for admission.
All events are drug and alcohol free. If any students are found with or under the influence of drugs for alcohol, they will serve school consequences and be referred to local authorities.
Attendees will dance with respect for other students and adults in attendance.
Skyline students are responsible for their guest's behavior and for their own.

Vanco Events is an online system for organizations and community groups that has been designed to look after the entire event ticketing needs.

All issues relating to the sale of tickets and the hosting of their associated event(s) are the responsibility of the “Event Organizer” and not that of Revtrak inc d/b/a Vanco Events.

Please visit for our terms and conditions.